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The C Sheet March 25 |...

The C Sheet March 25 | Hybrid Work and the Relationship Between Pay and Inflation

New research from Microsoft highlights the uncertainty that surrounds hybrid work, and employees aren't willing to stick around if they can't figure it out.

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The C Sheet April 1 | Work Vampires and Nailing Your Job Posting

1. Hybrid work takes work 

New research from Microsoft highlights the uncertainty employers are facing in regards to hybrid work. And now that employees have a new “worth it” equation—what they want out of work compared to what they’re willing to give for it—they better figure it out. Great Expectations: Making Hybrid Work Work (Microsoft)

2. Minimum wage during maximum inflation

While inflation continues to rise, the federal minimum wage remains at a measly $7.25 an hour. Rates of Wall Street bonuses, however, have skyrocketed. If the minimum wage increased at the same rate, it would be at $61.75 an hour. The minimum wage would be $61.75 an hour if it rose at the same pace as Wall Street bonuses (Fast Company) 

3. The right to be sick 

The U.S. is the only wealthy nation where paid sick leave isn’t guaranteed. Sick leave laws vary by state, some of which have laws that ban local governments from passing requirements. Who hurt you, Ohio? The right to call in sick isn’t guaranteed across the U.S., but it may be in your state (Fortune) 

4. Hand over the money—or else

Despite the fact that over 40% of companies have reported that their workers have asked for salary adjustments due to inflation, less than 25% have agreed. This lack of response is especially concerning considering 77% of employers also reported that they’re losing talent due to compensation. More Than 40% Of Companies Say Workers Have Asked For Higher Pay To Offset Inflation. Few Have Revised Salary Budgets. (Forbes) 

5. Highly effective teams have this in common

We’ve heard of the term “psychological safety” in work environments, but what does it actually look like in practice? If you’re a leader, here are some behaviors to adopt: What does psychological safety mean, anyway? (Atlassian) 

6. The double-edged sword of hybrid work 

Whether it’s “fixed hybrid” or “flexible hybrid,” women are facing disadvantages in this new world of work. Here are tips for colleagues, managers, and senior leadership to ensure more equitable workspaces for women. Women Face a Double Disadvantage in the Hybrid Workplace (Harvard Business Review) 

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