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Visier People® Learning and Development Impact

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Visier People® Learning and Development Impact helps organizations solve their most critical Learning & Development (L&D) and business challenges.

This comprehensive offering empowers you to effectively analyze, monitor, and solve a wide range of L&D challenges, whether you're seeking to focus on professional growth, employee retention, engagement, or track ROI. With our all-in-one package you'll access not only top-of-the-line software, but also expert support and best practices that can help you achieve measurable business results in a remarkably short time frame. Our guided, turnkey experience makes it easy to unlock the full potential of your L&D efforts.

Leverage extensive best practice content and insights. Filter our out-of-the-box content to sub-populations or specific time periods, or use them as a starting point to create your own visualizations and insights unique to your needs.

Visier People® Essentials is required as a prerequisite to purchasing Learning and Development Impact.

What value is delivered?

Visier People Learning and Development Impact is a collection of application elements that are designed to solve your most pervasive and compelling L&D related problems. The unique problems solved by Visier People Learning and Development are listed below:

  • Learning Operations: Provides a comprehensive overview of all learning activities within your organization. This enables the organization to gain a clear understanding of the type and volume of learning that is taking place, as well as the participation and progression through the learning activities.

    Why is it important? Analyzing learning operations data can help organizations improve their employee development programs, increase employee engagement and retention, and drive overall business performance.

  • Learning Impact: Helps you understand the impact of learning on employees and the business, which helps organizations set a baseline, assess the effectiveness of their learning programs, reevaluate and better align their overall L&D strategies to their company objectives.

    Why is it important? By analyzing data related to learning impacts, such as employee performance, employee engagement, and business outcomes, you can determine whether the organization's learning programs are achieving their desired objectives.

  • Learning Engagement: Provides a comprehensive understanding of participation rate, completion rate, time spent in learning, and the results of learning evaluations. This enables organizations to assess their course offerings, ensuring that the type, content, and delivery meet employee expectations and are worth the investment.

    Note: You can gain these valuable insights for any specific program you have developed (e.g., new hires, leadership, sales).

    Why is it important? Looking at learning engagement is critical as it helps organizations ensure that their L&D programs are effective, engaging, and contributing to employee satisfaction and retention.

  • Training Equity: Provides a comprehensive overview of participation distribution and opportunity from a demographic perspective. It enables organizations to ensure fairness and equity in training course access and consumption.

    Why is it important? By ensuring that training opportunities are accessible to all employees, organizations can reduce the risk of discrimination and legal liability. This can help to protect the organization from lawsuits and other legal actions that may arise from perceived inequities in training opportunities.

  • Compliance Learning: Helps you understand who completed compliance training, what the overall completion rate is, the status of each course, and the time spent on each training. This information can help monitor the progress of compliance-focused training content, identify who is not yet compliant, and develop targeted interventions to address the issues.

    Why is it important? Compliance learning helps ensure that employees understand the rules and regulations that apply to their job and their industry, which can help prevent legal and ethical violations.

  • Leadership Development: Provides a comprehensive understanding of participation rate, progress, providers, and consumed content that can be grouped and filtered by any leader's demographics or work attributes. This data can be analyzed in association with other indicators such as engagement, retention, and performance to assess the impact of their leadership development efforts on both individual leaders and the organization as a whole.

    Why is it important? These insights can enable organizations to make data-driven decisions about leadership development, which can ultimately help build strong leaders, improve organizational performance, facilitate succession planning, and attract and retain top talent.

What do I get with Visier People® Learning and Development Impact and what do I need to provide?

With Visier People Learning and Development Impact, you can access:

  • 100+ metrics

  • 75+ questions

  • 30+ stories & dashboards

  • And build unlimited content

To unlock the full potential of Visier People Learning and Development Impact, we recommend providing the following data elements:

Learning Activity and Item

Your HR and L&D systems contain the following data:

  • Learning Activity: Refers to an employee’s participation in a course and includes information such as learning stages, effective date, learning credit, participation cost, completion date, and location.

  • Learning Item: Represents a course and contains information such as the course name, the type of learning (e.g., a course, webinar, or program), duration, language, instructor name, and provider.

By leveraging this data, Visier can provide valuable insights and help you answer a variety of questions such as:

Learning Operations
  • What type of learning activity is taking place?

  • Which activities are being abandoned?

  • What are the demographics of learning participants?

Compliance Learning
  • What is the completion ratio of compliance learning?

  • Where do we lack participation and need to follow up?

  • Which leaders are most effective at ensuring completion?

Sales Training
  • Are sales training opportunities equitable?

  • Do employees who complete sales training stay longer?

  • Do sales training graduates perform better?

New Hire Programs
  • Are new hires completing their onboarding programs?

  • How long are new hires spending on onboarding training?

  • Are new hires engaging in non-mandatory learning activities?

Leadership Development
  • Are leadership development opportunities equitable?

  • Are leadership development graduates receiving promotions?

  • Do graduates have more engaged teams?

Learning Certifications

To access the full value of learning certifications, you have the option to load the certification name, type, category, location, expiration date, and employee ID.

What does this enable? You can use this information to count and identify certifications or employees whose certificates have expired or are going to expire, and filter or group this information by certification category, name, or type, and answer questions such as:

  • What is the mix of certifications across the organization?

  • Which certifications are set to expire soon?

  • How many employees currently have expired certifications?

Learning Surveys

You can load evaluation score data for learning courses, whether it's the overall rating or a breakdown by facility, content, instructor, or another category.

What does this enable? By integrating this information with learning activities and items, you can effectively analyze how employees assess learning courses and answer questions such as:

  • Are learning participants positively evaluating their activities?

  • Do certain demographics evaluate learning activities differently?

  • Which course instructors receive the highest ratings?

For more information, please refer to the following documents:

  • Data Dictionary: Provides comprehensive information about the data elements.

  • Application Definitions: Provides an extensive list of metrics, dimensions, content, and guidebooks that will be lit up once we have loaded these data elements.